Digital Fueling School


It keeps track of the students and manages alum records easily. The student information management feature allows you to organize all student-related information in one place, including Student details, admissions whether online or in school, categories, and student enrollment information.

1- Student Detail

Stores each detail about students, including their personal information, academic history, attendance records, and contact information, making it easy for the institutes to manage individual student records in one place.

student details
student profile disable

2- Disable Student

With the help of this feature, you can deactivate a student’s profile temporarily or permanently. This can be useful for tracking changes in enrollment status and ensuring accurate and up-to-date records.

3-Multi-class Student

With the help of the Multi-class Student feature, users can manage students individually who participate in multiple classes. This is helpful for institutes where students want to join in various academic activities across different classes or subjects.

multi class student
disable student reason

4- Disable Student Reason

Helps institute administrators understand the reason behind why a student’s account is disabled.

5- Previous School Information

Keeps records and manages all information about a student’s educational background from their previous institute. It provides a complete overview of the student’s academic journey, helps in the adaptation, and supports planning within the new institute.

previous school information
student house

6- Student House

Categorizes students into different groups, creating a sense of community within the institute. This is beneficial for organizing events, competitions, and other activities that involve group participation.

7- Student Category

Divides students based on specific criteria, like academic performance, extracurricular activities involvement or special needs.

student category
sibling details

8- Siblings Details

Keep a record of students’ siblings, making it easier for schools to manage family-related information.