Digital Fueling School


Allocate rooms, monitor hostel fees, and maintain hostel records efficiently. Digital Fueling School hostel management system allows wardens to oversee hostel activities, enable students to choose rooms based on preferences and reduce staff workload and paper usage.

1-Hostel Rooms

Manages and tracks individual rooms within the hostel, ensuring a comprehensive overview of available accommodation.


Hostel Rooms
HOSTEL Room Type

2- Room Type

 Categories hostel rooms based on types, such as single, double, or dormitory, facilitating efficient room assignment and utilization.


Maintains a record of different hostels on the campus, including details on capacity, facilities, and occupancy, for effective hostel management.

Managing Student Accommodation

4- Managing Student Accommodation

The Hostel module ensures the efficient management of student accommodation by providing features to oversee hostel rooms, room types, and hostels. This contributes to a well-organized and secure living environment within the DFSMS framework, enhancing the student experience.